
Friday 22 March 2013

Happy World Water Day !!!.
World Water Day is held every 22nd of March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of fresh water and support for the sustainable management of fresh water resources. It dated back to 22nd March 1993 and it was recommended at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992.

Water is very important in our existence. About two-third of the body weight is water. An adult can survive for many weeks without food but can survive for only a few days without water. Though it is not classified as a nutrient, it is very important in our diet and the need for water in our body is second to air. In order to be healthy, it is important that we replace the fluid we lose when we breathe, sweat or urinate. The amount of water needed in the body is determined by temperature, state of health, physical activities, diet and nature of work. In the temperate climates such as UK, about 1.2litres (6-8 glasses) of water and other fluids are required in the body daily.
There are many uses of water in the body such as regulation of body temperature, lubricant for joints, medium for body reactions and swallowing. Drinking a lot of water prevent illness as the water we pass out of our body cleanse the body. Drinking too much water is not good as it can lead to water intoxication.
We should not replace food with water in our diet as each of them plays different roles in the body.

We should ensure that we drink pure water. If we are not sure about the pureness of our water we can boil it and leave it to cool before drinking.
We should try as much as possible to avoid wasting water.
I hope you enjoy your celebration

Remember As an individual we are one drop but together we are an ocean; let's manage the water we have!!!


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