
Sunday 10 March 2013

Hello everybody, I hope you all had a stress free day just like I did here. My recipe for today was meant to be banana syrup but I decided to talk about Healthy Eating habits for a while before moving on to recipes. Our diet plays a really important role in our life. It is very important to follow a good diet in order to be healthy. The government has made it easier for us to eat healthily by providing us with guidelines to healthy eating. The image below shows the UK, USA and Australia's guideline to healthy eating.

The three guidelines all encourage us to eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and other carbohydrates and less of fat and sugar. They all encourage us to eat moderately from the fish, meat, eggs, beans and other non-diary sources of protein as well as milk and diary foods group.
Remember Those little changes in our diet are really important.

I hope you had a nice time reading my today. Thank you for your time and have a fulfilled day.

See yah tomorrow................


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